Someone in your life has finally popped the question – you’re friend is getting married! After a round of congratulations and happy dances, reality sets in. Immediately, their life erupts into chaos, and they’ve come to you for help.
Doubling as best friend and assistant wedding planner? Take a look at this list of what you can do to lighten the burden for your engaged friend!
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Throw the Parties
A wedding is a huge event to plan on its own, but when you add in the other celebrations, it can quickly become too much for one person to juggle. Ask your friend if they want a wedding shower and other parties, and then take care of throwing them!
You will need to get their input about the guest list, their hopes and expectations, and scheduling. However, you should manage the details on your own while they’re busy with the main event.
Know When to Step In
While the engaged couple is busy trying to plan a dream wedding, you can protect them from extra stress. Do what you can to prevent drama before it starts, whether that means corralling a difficult in-law or minimizing the bickering between bridesmaids.
Make sure their big day is about them and no one else! You can’t control everything, but try to make sure your friend sees only smiling faces.
Another way to step in is to find solutions when things inevitably go wrong. You may be the strongest shoulder in the room, so be ready to offer it when you need to as well!
Know When to Back Off
Find the balance between being helpful and being domineering. The best way is to follow the cues your friend gives you. Make sure they know you’re always ready to help, but let them come to you when they need it!
Sometimes, backing off means talking about something other than the wedding. Your friend is going to need a break every once in a while. When that time comes, invite them for some non-wedding-related fun!
Do the Odd Jobs
If you want to take something off your friend’s plate, start with the peas! From day one of planning through the end of the reception’s clean-up, there are hundreds of little wedding tasks that need to get done. Moreover, those details can be hard to keep track of.
Offering to manage the chores is a huge help. You may take on the role of a chauffeur picking up family from airports, run to the store to make last-minute purchases, or light the bug repellant candles for a beautiful outdoor service. It’s not glamorous work, but your friend will shine brighter without worrying about those details!
Help Your Friend Who’s Getting Married
Getting married is a happy event for your friend, but it’s also stressful! Keep your friend happy all throughout their wedding preparations by offering real and useful help!
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