Information Technology, or “IT”, is now more than ever at the heart of every business concern. An IT department is the section within an organization that is responsible for overseeing technology-related tasks and responsibilities. In startups and small businesses, the IT department may consist of a single person who manages the whole thing, who might also have other duties. In larger corporations, the IT department is quite often divided into multiple specialized subdivisions with a dedicated staff.
One great example of this is the printing department. Despite the move to digital documents, there is still a big demand for corporate printing so a large company’s IT department must maintain a section of its staff that is dedicated to managing and repairing these notoriously pernickety devices. When someone big upstairs needs a copy of that contract ASAP they aren’t interested in hearing that the ink has run dry or the carousel is stuck, they want results, and it’s incumbent on the print IT staff to deliver them!
It is the responsibility of the IT department to maintain the software and hardware systems within an organization to ensure that everything runs, and runs smoothly. The IT technician’s duties include configuring and updating software applications, servers, employee devices, databases, and any and all other IT infrastructure. IT departments are also the people in charge of troubleshooting issues that often arise with these complex systems and providing technical support to users, who easily become flummoxed when their computers and other needed tech devices don’t do what they need them to do. A good IT tech also maintains a patient “bedside manner” to keep frazzled workers calm whilst the problem is dealt with! A business lacking in a competent and knowledgeable IT department is headed for trouble, it is a crucial component of the modern marketplace and ignoring it invites peril, because typically when something breaks down, everything breaks down in a cascading effect that could spell disaster for a company’s reputation and for its bottom line!
IT departments also monitor the organisation’s IT system’s performance, including networks, servers, and databases. This attention is essential to identifying any potential issues before they escalate to critical malfunctions and allows IT departments to take proactive measures to prevent system failures that might result in downtime.
Another vital role the IT department plays is in maintaining the security of an organization’s network. This includes implementing antivirus software, firewalls, malware prevention, and other security measures to protect against cyber threats. User access to the network is managed by the IT department, ensuring only authorised personnel can access sensitive data and systems.
The Australian government is quite forward-thinking when it comes to IT and fully supports technological innovation and its role in promoting prosperity in the nation.
So, make sure to thank your IT people for the hard work they do, and maybe even buy them a coffee, they like coffee! Then, when your print job gets stuck you will know who to call and they will come running!