“Underbite” is the term for a dental condition in which the lower teeth extend outward beyond the upper teeth. In a regular bite, the front teeth should only slightly overlap the lower teeth. They can range in severity from mild cases that are almost unnoticeable, to more severe cases where the lower jaw extends far beyond the upper jaw.
In the case of mild underbites, it’s possible to live with them without much difficulty. However, in more severe cases, the misalignment can contribute to more serious issues. These include difficulties speaking or eating, discomfort in the jaws and mouth, and excessive wear on the teeth. Severe underbites can also damage the enamel of the teeth and contribute to tooth chipping.
Causes of Underbite
Ordinarily, the teeth grow in a way that leaves the upper teeth fitting just over the lower teeth. Your molars are also intended to fit next to one another. However, there are some factors that can affect the alignment of your teeth, including:
Childhood habits
Some childhood habits may contribute to developing dental misalignment, including underbites. Some habits to watch for include thumb sucking, pushing the teeth with the tongue, pacifier use in children past the age of 3, and long-term bottle feeding.
Many underbites are inherited. Genetics help determines the size and shape of the teeth and jaw. Overcrowded teeth and misaligned jaws are often inherited from relatives, so observing signs of underbite in the family may indicate if you’re likely to develop it yourself.
Serious facial injuries may also cause severe damage to the jaws and teeth. It is possible to surgically repair severe jaw damage. However, jaws and teeth do not always align properly post-surgery, which can develop into an underbite.When this happens, you probably will need special intervention. You may try getting dental implants in chattanooga if this is an option that suits your needs.
How to Treat an Underbite
Most people aren’t born with perfectly aligned teeth. In many cases, realigning the teeth can be done without surgery, especially if you correct any misalignment early in life. Underbites often form due to birth defects, like a cleft palate or lip. In babies, dentists can install a growth modification device to help their jaws develop correctly. As a rule of thumb, the earlier you start correcting an underbite, the better. Some other treatment options available to you include:
Getting braces in London does more than realign crooked teeth; they also work to correct your jaw. They’re typically used on children, whose jaws are still growing and easier to mould into their proper places. However, braces may also be an effective solution for adult patients, especially in the case of less-severe underbites. After the braces come off, keep in mind that it may be necessary to wear a retainer afterward to ensure the teeth and jaw stay in place.
As a less noticeable solution, you may also want to consider orthodontic clear aligners. Clear aligners can correct minor underbites without drawing attention to themselves. Aligners typically work best with minor underbites, so more severe cases may need different solutions.
Tooth extraction
A tooth extraction may be necessary in case of an overcrowded mouth. Careful selection and removal of certain teeth may help the surrounding teeth grow into their proper places and avoid misalignment later on. This is usually done to the baby teeth to give the permanent teeth sufficient space to emerge properly. In more severe cases, orthodontists may have to extract the permanent teeth to give the other teeth enough space to line up properly. Teeth extraction may also be used in conjunction with other procedures like braces to ensure straight growth.
Orthodontic headgear
For more severe cases, it may be necessary to install orthodontic headgear like a reverse-pull mask. The headgear typically consists of pads attached to the forehead and chin with a facemask frame in between. The frame connects to anchorage devices on the braces to exert the necessary force on your jaw. Over time, the headgear shifts the upper jaw forward, aligning the upper and lower jaws. This solution typically works best on children around 10, as their bones haven’t fused yet and it’s still possible to adjust their jaws. If you use a reverse-pull mask, it can help correct any misalignment early and eliminate the need for other procedures later in life.
Upper jaw expander
An upper jaw expander is a device that fits over the palate and slowly extends the upper jaw forward. Every night, you use a special key to widen the expander a little at a time. This gradually expands the dental arch and widens the upper jaw. Eventually, the lower teeth will no longer close against the outside of the upper, and the two sets of teeth will match. In most cases, the expander takes a few months to a year to work. After your dentist in Brampton removes the expander, it may also be necessary to wear a retainer to ensure the bones stay in place, as with braces. While an expander works best with children, it may also be effective on teens and adults.
Jaw surgery
In more severe cases, surgery may be necessary to align the upper and lower jaws into their ideal positions. Orthognathic surgery consists of adjusting the lower jaw and correcting the protrusion, aligning it with your upper jaw. This is generally a predictable, low-risk surgery, giving you some peace of mind before you start.
Correcting an underbite has some great benefits that can help improve your oral health. Not only does it help correct any issues with eating or speech, but it also helps make brushing more convenient. Straighter teeth are easier to clean, making it that much easier to brush and floss, leaving your mouth healthier and more germ-free. Realignment also reduces undue strain on the teeth, decreasing the risk of injury to the teeth.
In case you have an underbite, there are some solutions available to help you address the issue. Take note that the earlier you visit a dental office in Burlington to get the problem looked at, the easier it is to deal with an underbite without resorting to surgery. With some quick action, you can take some steps to correct your bite and greatly improve your oral health.