Not only do we listen to Wiz Khalifa’s songs to entertain ourselves but also we derive life lessons from the lyrics. Brought into the world in 1987, Cameron Jibril Thomaz (a.k.a. Wiz Khalifa) has become one of the most powerful and motivating rappers of his age. His music lyrics have propelled millions of people; however, he additionally made some astute and elevating explanations about life, joy, and love. These – customarily splendid – explanations are lamentably not too known as large numbers of his melodies.
Below are some motivational quotes lifted from his famous songs.
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Wiz Khalifa Quotes You Should Know
“I don’t regret my past, I just regret the time I’ve wasted on the wrong people.”
“When someone special walks into your life and can change things for the better, don’t let them walk away.”
“It’s funny how you can do nice things for people all the time, and they never notice. But once you make one mistake, it’s never forgotten.”
“Some people are real while some people are good. Also, some people are fake, and some people are good at being fake.”
“Cry as hard as you want to, but just make sure that when you’re finished, you never cry for the same reason again.”
“You know my name, not my story. You’ve heard what I’ve done, but not what I’ve been through, so stop judging me.”
“You get into the biggest fights with the people you care about the most because they are the relationships you’re willing to fight for.”
“We never really learn from the first mistake or the second or third. It only hits us when we’re given the last chance.”
Wiz Khalifa Quotes About Life, Love, and Happiness
“Worry about your character, not your reputation. Because your character is who you are, and your reputation is what people think you are.”
“Smile. Why? Do you have to ask? Smile because it makes you attractive. It changes your mood, it’s known to relieve stress and most importantly, it helps you stay positive.”
“The most daring thing is to be yourself and to do exactly what you want to do at that point in time and not to be worried about what other people are doing or what’s popular.”
“We must get hurt to grow, fail to know, and lose to gain. Because some lessons in life are best learned through pain.”

“Don’t let the sadness from the past and the fear of the future ruin the happiness of the present.”
“Being single doesn’t always mean you are available. Sometimes you have to put up a sign that says ‘do not disturb’ on your heart.”
“Some people make your life better by walking into it while other people make your life better by simply walking out of it.”
“The most daring thing is to be yourself and to do exactly what you want to do at that point in time and not to be worried about what other people are doing or what’s popular.”
“I’m shy. Most people don’t take the time to get to know me. They don’t take the time to explore the real me. So I’d like to thank everyone who has.”
Additional Quotes
“Don’t date the most beautiful girl in the world, Date the girl that makes your world the most beautiful.”
“I don’t have much, but I take all I got, and that’s what I give, what I get in return is the money I earn and the life I live.”
“Don’t leave something good to find something better. Once you realise you had the best, the best has found better.”
“When someone special walks into your life and can change things for the better, don’t let them walk away.”
“Everyone is born beautiful, some people just let the world turn them into something ugly.”
“I fell asleep on a plane and never woke, and now I’m living a dream.”
“I come from a place where people get high, the grades get low, and if someone has a secret, everyone knows.”
“People ask me why it is so hard to trust, and I ask them why it is so hard to keep a promise.”
“I’ve just grown a lot, learned a lot about myself, learned a lot about business, and learned new strategies and different ways to approach things. I’m really excited to have those new approaches and new inspirations in life. A lot of that goes into the music and being able to find certain things inside of yourself, or to be able to look to other people around you, and to say like, you know, this is my core, and this is who I believe in.”
“Yeah, all of the fame comes with the game. It’s a gift and the curse when everybody knows your name.”
In our day to day life, moving forward or a step ahead in everything we do should be our ultimate goal in life. Try not to make others’ endorsements the fundamental theme of every one of your activities. Dare to be who you indeed are and see what occurs. You’ll be astounded at the number of individuals who love you just because you’re genuine.