If you are the owner of a successful business and you are planning a large outdoor event, you will no doubt be pondering whether to organise the event yourself or hire an event planner. Yes, you will save money by self-organising and if you have the time, it isn’t that difficult to plan an outdoor event.
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Online solutions
You can acquire everything you need from a single online provider, with festoon lighting hire in Perth from an established company that offers everything from marquees to cutlery and everything in between.
Keeping costs down
There’s no doubt that planning the event will save you money, as long as you are prepared for the stress that comes with setting up a large outdoor event. Perhaps it would be wise to get a quote from a leading event planner, then you can weigh up the pros and cons; if it is a critical marketing move, you might be wiser to leave it to the professionals.
This is a standard business model today and everything your event needs can be outsourced from security to entertainment; you can hire hospitality restrooms, call in a top outside caterer and things like tables and chairs can be rented from a local provider.
Organisational skills
Some people are just not cut out for event planning and if you are such a person, talk to a local event planner and save yourself a lot of stress. The Internet is a godsend in many ways, especially when event organising is on the menu; you can plan your event from a laptop and source everything you need. If you are up for the challenge, create lists, one for items required, one for vendors and one for guests, then start your search for the perfect venue. Click here for tips to make a small business a thriving enterprise.
Minimising risk
If you are the event planner, you want to minimise risk of failure; what is the definition of failure? Failure would be guests that are not happy, a major fail like a power outage, or a thunderstorm, any of these disasters would make you wince! Plan Bs are always preferred and you can never take anything for granted, ever!
If you have an employee who shows real promise, why not delegate the event planning to them? This would be a sound test and you can keep an eye on how the planning is coming along and should the event be a roaring success, you can line up further challenges in the future.
Obtaining permits
No matter where you are located in Australia, you will have to apply to your local authority for permits; alcohol licences, public gathering permission and possibly a live entertainment permit. Google can help you to make contact with the state via their website and an official would inform you of the permits you will require.
For more information about state permits, click here.
To conclude, if you feel that your event planning skills are not adequate, search online for a leading event planner and see what they have to say.