There seems to be quite a bit of contention here in Australia about which room is the most important one in any household. Some believe that the bathroom leads the way while others think that the kitchen is the place where everyone congregates together and it’s where all of the magic happens when it comes to preparing ingredients and cooking food. There is no doubt that the kitchen area has changed over the years and where once it was the place where breakfast, lunch and tea were prepared and served, it has now become a more useful space and many homes all across Australia will certainly have a television in the kitchen.
It is the place where we catch up for the week and we talk about the weeks ahead in our lives so many Australians take setting up the whole kitchen area very seriously indeed and so they try to make smart decisions when it comes to their white kitchen sink, the worktops and the appliances as well. Everyone moves around their kitchen differently and so you need to take this into consideration when it comes to the placement of essential items like the sink area and the food preparation area. The following are just some of the reasons why the kitchen is the most important part of the house in any Australian home.
- It’s the core of any home – if you are looking for anyone in your family then there is a good bet that they are in the kitchen. It is the place where food is prepared and it’s probably where the best television is as well. As a matter of habit, most Australians will go into the kitchen to have a look in the refrigerator numerous times a day just to see if there is anything tasty in there that will provide proper nutrition.
- The food is there – This is one of the main reasons why many Australians will go into the kitchen area numerous times a day because if they are hungry and they fancied something nice then this is the most likely place that they will find it. It is where the health of the family is taken care of and whoever prepares the meals can get the ingredients ready to turn them into something quite special.
- It’s where the bond is strengthened – The past three years in Australia have taken their toll on the family unit and so is important that we do whatever we can to bring everyone back together in one place to share our thoughts and to bond again. It’s where dad reads the early morning newspaper on Saturday or Sunday and it’s where the kids like to catch up on their correspondence on their smartphones.
The living room is a fairly unused space in any Australian home now because the kitchen has taken over and it is now the location where meals can be enjoyed together and where all families can catch up on all of their favourite Australian TV soap operas.